"There’s no point in saying 'Women over 30 should have their uterus removed.' A system that punishes people who can’t do something is wrong. Society should be about guiding people to be able to do things.
That’s why it’s better to have 'middle school students have sexual experiences with all their classmates and take care of babies.' Ignoring human rights is one thing, but if you ignore the basics of rule-making, there’s no point.
If you’re going to disregard human rights, it’s better to disregard them in a way that prevents promising young people from going down the wrong path in the future, rather than finishing off those who are already struggling."
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"Things you say you want to do but aren't doing yet are 'aspirations,' while things you find yourself doing naturally without saying you want to are your 'calling.' Words can lie, but actions are honest."
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それでも1つか2つの分野をやっているなら、10年もすれば谷を抜け再び伸び始めるが10も20もやらせれば、谷の中で50年停滞してそのまま死ぬことになる"The idea that the more you train, the more your abilities improve is fundamentally flawed. Humans enter a plateau where they can no longer achieve results once they surpass a certain level of training.
However, if one focuses on just one or two fields, they will emerge from the plateau and begin to improve again after about ten years. But if they attempt to tackle ten or twenty fields at once, they will stagnate in the plateau for fifty years and eventually die there."
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「生きやすさ」はつくるものだよ。卑屈なひと繊細なひとをじぶんの暮らしから遠ざけて、なるべく陽気なひと元気なひとを近くに配置していく。ただ相手によって「距離感」を変えていくだけ。"Living comfortably is something you create. Keep people who are overly self-deprecating or overly sensitive away from your life, and surround yourself with cheerful and energetic people as much as possible. All you have to do is adjust the 'sense of distance' depending on the person."
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人生キツいひと、「じぶんの素質」を過大評価しすぎ。だから、一々ガッカリする。うまくいかないことに落胆する。そもそも素質なんてないんだから、うまくいかなくて当然じゃん。その当然をある回数くりかえすと、うまくいくようになるんじゃん。1万回やって出来なきゃ落ち込みなよ。やってないでしょ"People who find life tough tend to overestimate their own potential. That's why they keep getting disappointed—disappointed when things don't go well. But honestly, if you don't have much talent to begin with, it's only natural that things don't work out. If you repeat that 'natural' enough times, eventually things will start to go well. If you try something 10,000 times and still can't do it, then you can feel down. But you haven't even done that, have you?"
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商売ヘタなひと、ずっと競争してるイメージだなぁ。「いかに勝つか」よりも、「いかに似た人と戦わないか」を考えた方がイイよね。おなじ業界のひとに「アイツは一味ちがうぞ」「もはや別の業界なのでは?」と思われるのがいい。むしろ、誰からも同業者と思われず、競う対象から外れてしまうのがいい。People who are bad at business often seem like they’re constantly competing. Instead of focusing on "how to win," it’s better to think about "how to avoid competing with similar people." It’s ideal if others in the same industry think, "That person is on a whole different level," or even, "Aren’t they practically in another industry?" Better yet, it’s best to not even be recognized as someone in the same line of work and to be removed from the competition altogether.
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不可解な現象を見た時に「あいつらはバカだ」と見下して思考停止してしまう人もいれば、興味を持って構造を理解して自分の「味方」に変えてしまう人もいる。世界への向き合い方が問われる時期。When faced with an incomprehensible phenomenon, some people look down on it, dismissing it with, "Those people are fools," and stop thinking. Others take an interest, work to understand its structure, and turn it into an "ally" for themselves. This is a time when how we engage with the world is being put to the test.
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やさしい人になるコツですが、とにかく「やさしくする相手を絞る」ってことです。いちばんの悪手は「みんなに優しくしようとする」ってことです。人間やれることしかやれないので、やれることに絞ってやったほうがコスパいいっすよ。The key to becoming a kind person is to simply "narrow down who you are kind to." The worst approach is trying to "be kind to everyone." Since we humans can only do so much, it's more efficient to focus on what we can actually manage.
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玉木さんが若者向けの旗を振るだけで、未だ何も成し遂げていないのに、若者の支持率がトップに躍り出ている。いかに、既存政党が、高齢者の方だけ見て、若者を切り捨ててきたかがよくわかる。Mr. Tamaki has done nothing more than wave the flag for young people, yet his support rate among them has skyrocketed to the top. This clearly shows just how much the established political parties have been fixated on the elderly, neglecting and abandoning the younger generation.
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【マジで良質な入試問題を出す大学 Top3】
1. 大阪市立前期(現大阪公立) 2. 大阪府立前期(現大阪公立) 3. 関西学院
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経営者って、これは伸びるって確信を得た時、めっちゃやる気が出るもんなんだよ。普段は適当にダラダラしてるんだわ。だけど需要が大きい隙間を見つけた瞬間、本気で取りに行くんだわ。まるでハンターやんな。Entrepreneurs get super motivated when they’re convinced something’s going to take off. Most of the time, they’re just lazing around and going with the flow. But the moment they spot a big, untapped demand, they go all out to seize it. It’s like they’re hunters or something.
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人は音楽にお金を使わない。ライブ、ストリーミング、CDなど含む全音楽の全世界の売上は年間10兆円以下らしい。この売上は三菱商事1社より小さい。ちっちゃなパイを無数の天才が奪い合ってる血の海が音楽という市場 People don't spend much money on music. The total worldwide revenue from all forms of music, including live performances, streaming, and CDs, is reportedly less than 10 trillion yen per year. This figure is smaller than the revenue of a single company like Mitsubishi Corporation. The music market is a bloody battlefield where countless geniuses compete for a tiny pie.
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ワイ、X上ではイキっとるけど、リアルでは「いつもありがとうございます」「おかげさまで何とかやらせてもらってます」「恐縮です」が口癖やからな。調子に乗ったり、偉そうにしてると後ろから弾が飛んでくるのが、ワイらの生きてる修羅の巷やで。腰を低く、頭も低く、が世渡りの基本やぞ。On platform X, I act all tough, but in real life, my go-to phrases are "Thank you as always," "Thanks to you, I’m somehow managing," and "I’m humbled." Where I live, if you get cocky or act all high and mighty, a bullet will come flying at you from behind. The key to surviving this ruthless world is to keep your head low and your attitude humble.
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ムキにならず、自分のことを「無能」と言い切れる境地にこそ幸せの源があるんだわ。この愚か者め!と言われて「おっしゃる通り、バカなんです」と素で言えるからな。絶対的な強み以外は全部無能、と心の底から思っているから、何を言われても柳に風と受け流せるし、心はひたすらに平穏なままなのよ。True happiness lies in the ability to genuinely admit, without getting defensive, that you're "incompetent." When someone calls me a fool, I can sincerely respond, "You're absolutely right, I'm an idiot." Deep down, I truly believe that aside from my absolute strengths, I’m incapable of everything else. That’s why, no matter what anyone says, I can let it roll off me like wind through willow trees, keeping my heart perfectly at peace.
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人間、40過ぎたら「できんことはできん」と素直に認めるべきよ。40までは可能性を試してあれこれやったらええ。その過程で自分の適性が分かるやろ。けど、それ以降は昔の取り組みの中で向いてたものに絞るんや。選択と集中の一点突破を狙うんが、一番、確実性が高くなるで。その先に道が開けるんよ。Once you’re over 40, you should honestly admit, “I can’t do what I can’t do.” Before 40, it’s fine to explore your possibilities and try various things. Through that process, you’ll understand where your talents lie. But after that, you should focus on the areas where you’ve shown aptitude in the past. Concentrating your efforts on a single point with selective focus gives you the highest chance of success. That’s the path to opening new doors.
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人は自分が望んだ通りに生きてる。手に入らないと悩んでいるものは「全てを犠牲にしてまで欲しいものではない」というもの。美学・恥・人間関係・労力などを無意識に天秤にかけた答えが現在の自分。People live exactly as they choose to. The things they worry about not having are simply those that they don’t want badly enough to sacrifice everything for. Their current self is the result of an unconscious weighing of factors such as aesthetics, pride, relationships, and effort.
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「文章が下手」というのは、その人がいかにこれまで孤独ではなかったかを表している。逆に「文章が上手い」というのは、その人がいかにこれまで冷たい孤独の中で戦ってきたかを表している。 "The fact that someone's writing is poor reflects how little loneliness they have experienced in their life. Conversely, the fact that someone's writing is excellent reflects how much they have fought through cold solitude up until now."
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"I hope people would focus not on thinking 'In the end, you can't beat those with high academic credentials in any field,' but rather arrive at the idea that 'Meticulous analysis and preparation can be applied to any field, which is why studying is important.' Please pay attention not to the surface-level facts, such as winning or having high academic credentials, but to the process that led to those achievements."
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Conflict can only occur between individuals of the same level, making it evidence that you acknowledge your opponent as an equal. When there is a significant disparity in ability, you won't even feel inclined to engage in a proper conflict. It is often said that your enemy is a mirror reflecting your self-image.
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しみけんの勃起note、これで終わってた。 シアリス5mg毎日飲んだら誰でもバキバキなるて
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Decide what not to do. Modern society overwhelms us with too many things to do. There are so many possibilities that, if we try to do everything, our tasks scatter, and everything ends up half-finished. The key to success is to find your central focus and firmly decide not to do anything else.
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【Adjectives modify nouns or serve as complements.】
It’s ok. オトノケ
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完璧なサービスを作ってから売ろうと思ってるなら、それは間違いやで。完璧を目指してたら永遠に完成しないわ。そんなことより、70点くらいの状態で売り始めて、お客さんの意見を聞きながら90点くらいを目指して超高速で改善し続ける方が、絶対に満足度は上がるのよ。If you’re thinking of creating the perfect service before selling it, you’re making a mistake. If you aim for perfection, it’ll never be finished. Instead, it’s far better to start selling when it’s about 70% complete, listen to your customers’ feedback, and aim for 90% by continuously improving at lightning speed. That way, satisfaction will undoubtedly increase.
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ビジネスが上手くいかないやつは、圧倒的に試行回数が足りてないことがほとんどなんだよ。成功するまで圧倒的に試しまくるしかないんだわ。数回試して上手くいかないなんて当たり前のこと。とりあえず100回試せ。それでも上手くいかないなら向いてないわ。The reason most people fail in business is overwhelmingly due to a lack of attempts. You just have to keep trying relentlessly until you succeed. Failing after a few tries is completely normal. Just try 100 times. If it still doesn’t work, then it’s probably not for you.
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世界が混沌とするほど論争や論破でエネルギーを消耗する人たちが増えるので、振り回されず淡々とやる人が「漁夫の利」を得る構造になりやすい。The more chaotic the world becomes, the more people exhaust their energy in arguments and debates. As a result, those who remain calm and carry on steadily are more likely to reap the rewards as bystanders.
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成功への近道はしつこさよ。とにかく上手くいくまで諦めない。プライドを捨ててありとあらゆる方法を試しまくる。成功するまでしつこく挑戦しまくる。これができれば大体成功するよ。The shortcut to success is persistence. Never give up until you succeed. Set aside your pride and try every possible method. Keep challenging yourself relentlessly until you achieve success. If you can do this, you'll succeed most of the time.
The experience of auditory learning will make students' language learning journey more engaging.The teaching style of repeating memorable phrases with a pleasant shout elevated me to the position of a top instructor.I have no choice but to persistently and consistently promote the quality of my lessons until they become known worldwide.
前スレ 45歳なのに株式投資しないで現金で溜め込んでいる人間のクズ1位オードリー若林★3
❶ Zeliha Akpinar (目の保養🌱)
❷ Esther Lee (ロンドンの生活覗ける👀)
❸ emmaxolouise (若者ことば盗める😎)
❹ Dr. lzzy Sealey (🇬🇧アクセント学べる)
368:|男|名無し湯|女|:[sage]:2024/05/03(金) 09:18:36.72 ID:0B+qHENF
387:【カップル個室1日1万vipルーム5部屋設置希望。】:2024/10/25(金) 23:42:28.78 ID:8+bPHaUL
"There’s no point in saying 'Women over 30 should have their uterus removed.' A system that punishes people who can’t do something is wrong. Society should be about guiding people to be able to do things.
That’s why it’s better to have 'middle school students have sexual experiences with all their classmates and take care of babies.' Ignoring human rights is one thing, but if you ignore the basics of rule-making, there’s no point.
If you’re going to disregard human rights, it’s better to disregard them in a way that prevents promising young people from going down the wrong path in the future, rather than finishing off those who are already struggling."
"Things you say you want to do but aren't doing yet are 'aspirations,' while things you find yourself doing naturally without saying you want to are your 'calling.' Words can lie, but actions are honest."
それでも1つか2つの分野をやっているなら、10年もすれば谷を抜け再び伸び始めるが10も20もやらせれば、谷の中で50年停滞してそのまま死ぬことになる"The idea that the more you train, the more your abilities improve is fundamentally flawed. Humans enter a plateau where they can no longer achieve results once they surpass a certain level of training.
However, if one focuses on just one or two fields, they will emerge from the plateau and begin to improve again after about ten years. But if they attempt to tackle ten or twenty fields at once, they will stagnate in the plateau for fifty years and eventually die there."
1. 大阪市立前期(現大阪公立)
2. 大阪府立前期(現大阪公立)
3. 関西学院
"The fact that someone's writing is poor reflects how little loneliness they have experienced in their life. Conversely, the fact that someone's writing is excellent reflects how much they have fought through cold solitude up until now."
"I hope people would focus not on thinking 'In the end, you can't beat those with high academic credentials in any field,' but rather arrive at the idea that 'Meticulous analysis and preparation can be applied to any field, which is why studying is important.' Please pay attention not to the surface-level facts, such as winning or having high academic credentials, but to the process that led to those achievements."
Conflict can only occur between individuals of the same level, making it evidence that you acknowledge your opponent as an equal. When there is a significant disparity in ability, you won't even feel inclined to engage in a proper conflict. It is often said that your enemy is a mirror reflecting your self-image.
Decide what not to do. Modern society overwhelms us with too many things to do. There are so many possibilities that, if we try to do everything, our tasks scatter, and everything ends up half-finished. The key to success is to find your central focus and firmly decide not to do anything else.