【朗報】マッカーシー米下院議長(共和党)、バイデン大統領弾劾審議を開始する意向アーカイブ最終更新 2023/09/13 08:351.番組の途中ですが転載は禁止ですD65YyMcCarthy calls for formal impeachment inquiry into Bidenhttps://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/12/politics/biden-impeachment-house-gop/index.htmlHouse Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday he is calling on his committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, even as they have yet to prove allegations he directly profited off his son’s foreign business deals.2023/09/13 00:48:434すべて|最新の50件2.番組の途中ですが転載は禁止ですArh2N(1/2)もうどこの国もダメだな2023/09/13 07:30:103.番組の途中ですが転載は禁止ですArh2N(2/2)バイデン大統領の弾劾に向けた調査開始を指示 米下院議長https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20230913/k10014193911000.html2023/09/13 07:30:354.番組の途中ですが転載は禁止ですuBcfZケンモメンが持ち上げたバイデンwwwwwwwww2023/09/13 08:35:58
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday he is calling on his committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, even as they have yet to prove allegations he directly profited off his son’s foreign business deals.